New Year’s Resolutions

(and other lies we tell ourselves)


The countdown begins, Midnight strikes, “Auld Lang Syne” is sung, and a new year is under way. As tradition goes, people make resolutions for the coming year with the promise of changes to improve their lives. Of course, by the week’s end we’ve already reneged on those promises. So why do we make them?


Every year we make the same resolutions: I’m going on a diet, I’m going to travel more, I will be more outgoing, I won’t judge people quickly. And yet, just a few days later, we come to the realization that we were rash in our decisions and immediately fall back into routine. The diet is ruined by that extra piece of pie, traveling is out because of a dwindling bank account, being outgoing means having to be bold towards others, and I wouldn’t judge so quickly but did you see what she was wearing?

Why do we do this to ourselves? Part of the problem is a lack of self-control or discipline of the body. The other part is that sometimes we strive for lofty goals when smaller ones are easier to obtain. There’s nothing wrong with aiming a little lower than usual.

Instead of dieting: how about eating smaller meals, or making more healthy choices of food. Skip seconds or don’t have dessert as often as you used to do.

Instead of travel more in terms of long trips, why not explore the city you live in. Pretend you’re a tourist from another state or country and visit museums and other attractions as if you were seeing it through their eyes.

In regards to being more outgoing try starting your own blog or join a social media site you’re not familiar with. Talk to people at work you normally don’t talk to; like someone from a different department. Maybe take them out to lunch.

In regards to judging too quickly, well…I’m guilty of that myself and I haven’t found an alternative yet. But try not to judge someone by their attire or speech pattern. Who knows? That very person could become important in your life.

New Year, Better You

The old phrase “New Year, New You” is pretty well worn out. Besides if you think about it, you’ve worked hard to being the person you currently are and more often than not, people want to change simply for change’s sake. That is one of the other issues that people deal with as the New Year begins. Articles, commercials, and television programs convince people that they need to change themselves as the year changes. Instead of changing yourself to someone or something new, improve upon what you currently have. Make it a “better” you instead of new. Improve your wardrobe by adding accessories; a scarf, some jewelry, a handbag, or a blazer. Improve your home by adding something different; fake plants, abstract art, knick-knacks, or simply a fresh coat of paint.

What about us Writers?

Ah yes! You noticed that this is not the typical kind of article that I write. Maybe that’s something a writer can resolve to do in the New Year; write something that they don’t normally write: A “How To” article, a travel article for your local paper or a blog, poetry, a short story on a subject you know little about. In other words, slide out of your comfort zone for a bit and try something different. You’ll notice I said, “for a bit”. As writers, we tend to be creatures of habit and prefer the comfort of solitude as compared to a party or gathering.

Here are some suggestions though, to try something new or different: Make an attempt to write somewhere new; if a coffee shop or restaurant won’t work, try the local library or bookshop. Your local mall might have areas for hotspots for the internet. Sit there and “people watch” for a while. New character or characteristics will pop up by viewing real life. Rent a movie or TV show that isn’t your favorite genre and see how the characters interact with one another. Go to one of your favorite hangouts or places to eat and view it as fugitive from the law, a royal dignitary, a homeless person, or a foreigner from another country (or planet J).


Contrary to tradition, change doesn’t have to be big. This year resolve to do something you don’t normally do. It doesn’t have to be an actual change; just get out of your comfort zone for a bit and see things with a fresh pair of eyes.

Do you have any resolutions that you’ve tried in the past? Have they worked or failed miserably? Share them with us in the comments section below. Next month, I will share with you my goals for 2022!

Happy Adventuring!


Follow me at my new site on Linktree: C.Mentzer.Author

Zak and Hector story project

My current fantasy project featuring Jarryd McCallen and Scarlett Trueheart has temporarily stalled out. However, I have another project that I was working on a few years ago and decided to bring it forward and make a publication out of it. I won’t reveal the nature of the project except to say that it features Zak and Hector. If you’ve read my Floor 17 Café books, you’ll know who these two characters are. If not, below is an excerpt from book 2, A Café Mystery. Don’t worry if you haven’t read the first one, this scene won’t really ruin book 1.

Book 2 Excerpt; Chapter 2: The Shysters’ Club

Gretchen came out of the kitchen with a stack of hotcakes dripping in butter and syrup. On a second plate were scramble eggs, hash brown potatoes, and four sausage links. She also had what was known as a “bowl of bacon” on her tray. She placed everything in front of him and then refilled his coffee cup.

“Here you are Mr. LeManz, one Chuck-sized breakfast.” Gretchen served him and then looked at it all in a bit of disgust. “You’re not planning on eating all of that are you?”

“Some days I could,” said Chuck, “except maybe, the bowl of bacon. Today I have two guests who will be joining me for breakfast. That’s why I asked for the second plate.”

Right on cue, his adopted son, Zak, and the boy’s dog, Hector, walked into the café. Hector’s breed was known as a German Shepherd. Clancy smiled as they entered and pointed towards their father.

Zak sat next to Chuck and Hector jumped up into the chair opposite. Gretchen smiled at the pair and returned to the kitchen.

“Morning Pop! What’s shaking?” Zak asked.

“Pop? Shaking? Do I look like breakfast cereal to you?”

“Sorry Dad. Me and Hector were watching some old detective movie and the guy’s son called him ‘Pop’ all of the time.”

“Did this ‘guy’ enjoy being called ‘Pop’?” Chuck asked.

“Not really, no.”

“Then why do you think I would?”

“I don’t know, it’s just a joke, Dad.”

“It’s all right, Zak,” Chuck said then ruffled the boy’s red hair. He grabbed the extra plate and slid two pancakes onto it with some eggs, potatoes, and two of the sausages. He then looked over at Hector whose mouth was drooling as he stared at the bowl of bacon. He whimpered too.

“Good morning to you, Hector,” Chuck said. “What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?”

Hector’s ears perked up and he tilted his head as if to regard the question. “I do not understand the manner of the question, Mon Ami,” said the dog. “Why would a cat have my tongue?”

“Just a little saying I once read,” Chuck replied and then handed him the bowl of bacon. “Now just eat one piece at a time or you’ll get sick like you did last week.”

Hector nuzzled the bacon for a little bit taking in the aroma and then pulled his nose out and ate the first piece.

Gretchen returned and placed a large glass of orange juice in front of Zak and a bowl of water near Hector. “What are you boys going to do today?”

“We’re staying around the house to help Mom this morning. Hector wants to play in the leaves so Mom’s going to allow us to change the weather thermostat to autumn,” Zak said. “Then later Dad is taking all of us up to the Floor 68 Public Park when his shift is over.”

“Leaves and the park, that’ll be a fun day,” Gretchen said. “Are you going to the water slides? Or the amusement park?”

“Not this time. We’re just going to the lake section. Hector wants to take a ride on the boat tour and since Mom’s still pregnant we’re going there so she can watch us from a bench.”

“Maybe they let me steer the boat, no?” Hector asked then belched. “Pardon.”

“They won’t let a dog drive the boat,” Zak said.

“I am a working dog, I have the working license.”

Gretchen smiled and excused herself seeing that this was a family conversation.

“Yeah, but you don’t work for them, you work for me,” replied Zak. “You don’t have a boating license and you don’t even know how to drive a boat!”

“I can learn,” Hector said. “We’ll get some books from the Askinar Towers Library. Brenda likes to help us.”

Zak exhaled in exasperation and looked to Chuck. “A little help, Dad.”

Chuck smiled at his son. “Hector, how would it look to other humans if they saw a dog driving a boat?”

“Why they would think it was the most spectacular thing to ever happen,” Hector said.

“Right, then someone would come along and buy you from Zak and they would take you away from your boy and you’d have to wear some silly costume and drive a little boat in a tub of water for the amusement of others. You’d get no privacy and everyone would be pointing and laughing.”

“Alas, you are correct. I could not leave my Zak. It would hurt too much. I’ll stick to riding in the boat.” Hector returned to his bacon.

“Thanks Pop!” Zak said.

“You’re welcome, Sonny boy!” Chuck replied.

“Eww. Ok, no more ‘Pop’, Dad.” Zak dug into his breakfast.

For more information…

If you’re interested in buying this book, or any of my other publications, check out these links…

Chris Mentzer on Amazon

Floor 17 Café: Happy to Serve; other venues.

Floor 17 Cafe: A Cafe Mystery; other locations including Kindle.

If you need further assistance finding my books, write a comment here or look for me on Social Media

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On InstaGram

As always, Happy Adventuring!

Chris Mentzer

New Fantasy Story Project

National flag of the country of Ardenger

I’ve started a new writing project with a series of short stories set in Northern Ardenger. I have a collection of domains called Springdale, Summerland, Autumn Falls, and Winter Valley. The series is loosely based on the BBC TV series, The Avengers. It features Jarryd McCallen, a personal investigator sanctioned by the king of Ardenger; his new wife, Scarlett Trueheart; and, for comedic purposes (scrounger/info gatherer), Nobble Thimblerig. They will be known as The Defenders.

Story 1 is titled, “Good Day for a Hangin'”. I plan to do five for the first series of stories. Below is the opening scene:

Jarryd sat staring at his new bride, Scarlett, as he drove the wagon towards North Ardenger. They’ve only been married three months and he promised to take her home to town of Dalry to check in with her family. Scarlett was looking at the countryside with a sense of familiarity while Nobble Thimblerig, halfling thief extraordinaire sat shivering in the back.

“Sweetheart, you realize if you look away for just a moment, I won’t disappear,” Scarlett said and then turned to look at her husband.

“Sorry.” Jarryd smiled guiltily. “Since the end of my work furlough at Quenchers Tavern and Inn; seeing you every day there, now that we’re away from there, I feel a bit lost.”

“Don’t forget, I did say, ‘I do’. I’m not going anywhere,” Scarlett replied. She leaned to him for a kiss.

“That’s all well and good for you two,” said Nobble from the rear, “can we turn up heat from sun please?”

Scarlett looked back at the halfling who was bundled in three blankets made of Vanner horse-hair. His teeth chattered. “The cold air is coming off of Sunnear Mountains and, sweeping through Winter Valley, occasionally gives a slight chill in the air of Summerdale.”

“If this is a slight chill, I’d hate to experience a full-on wind storm,” Nobble commented.

“Then don’t visit Winter Valley during the months of Frostwake and Snowrich,” she replied.

“Duly noted,” Nobble said. He then craned his neck to get a better view of the landscape. “Where are we by the way?”

“Just coming into Dalry,” Scarlett said and pointed ahead of them. “There! You can just make out the bell tower on the Church of the Holy Light. Matriarch Sulandra will wish to speak with me.”

“Do they have anything worth stealing?” asked Nobble.

“Nobble, you would steal from a church?” asked Jarryd.

“Certainly not!” the thief replied. “Why, do they have anything worth stealing?”

As they arrived in town, there was a large crowd gathered in the square around a newly-built gallows. The crowd seemed agitated about what was to take place and the executioner, atop the platform paced nervously.

“A good day for a hangin’,” Jarryd said.

“Last time I was here, public executions were outlawed,” Scarlett remarked. “Of course, that was over fifty years ago.”

Nobble stood up in the cart and pushed his head between the pair. “That’s Marius the Executioner! It must be a high-profile criminal to involve him. He’s an old hand at executions.”

“If that’s true,” Jarryd said, “then why is he nervously pacing?”

“Good eye, McCallen. Truly out of character for one such as Marius. It would appear that the crowd is not in favor of this hanging either.” Nobble scanned the crowd.

“Boys, please! Can we talk about something else?” Scarlett asked.

“Sorry, my love. But it doesn’t look like we can get through. We’ll have to wait until the hanging is over.”

The door to the jail, nearby, opened and the entire crowd fell silent. Not a sound was heard. First to emerge was a slender woman in priestly robes; she was chanting. Next was an elven girl; dressed in a white gown with shackles on her wrists. Behind her came a man dressed in expensive clothing, he walked around and climbed the stairs to join Marius. Lastly came a tall brute of a man in town guard’s attire. He kept prodding the girl towards the gallows.

“It’s Chandrelle!” Scarlett exclaimed.

“You know her?” Nobble asked.

“She’s my sister,” Scarlett replied.

Please let me know, from this snippet of the first story, if you would continue reading it. If not, please share why you wouldn’t. Feel free to comment any suggestions you might have.

Happy Adventuring!


The final entry from “Happy to Serve”

Happy Friday one and all!

This is the last excerpt I will be sharing from the first Floor 17 Café book. It is also, the final blog post in the book as well. When I put this book together I did an even 50 blog entries. However, when I got to the entry before this one, I realized that I ended it in such a hokey way; a super feel-good-happy-happy kind of ending. So I decided to do one more entry to wrap things up. I think it came out well. If you haven’t seen the cover for book 2 yet, you can view it and the end of this entry. Please enjoy!

Cafe Chapter Divider

A New Day Dawns

Good Tuesday afternoon to all my friends and fans of the Floor 17 Café. Yes it’s me Chuck and as promised here’s a new blog entry. I chose this title for two reasons, one it’s the song that East of the West sang at our wedding after we were married and headed back down the aisle as husband and wife. Secondly, with all of the changes mentioned in my last post, this is truly the dawning of a New Day. Not just another day on the calendar but a new day of how the café will be handled from here on out.

For those who read the comments let me respond in regards to a couple of them. First, in regards to KittyKat98, I’m glad she’s not on here anymore. I noticed that her name was removed as a follower. I didn’t do it so I assumed she did. I left her supposed threat in the comments section as it amuses me greatly. Secondly, Candice has claimed Patty and me as her aunt and uncle as that is tradition of the dragons. During their adolescence, anyone who shows care and concern for them gets “adopted” by the dragon. One other couple got adopted as an uncle and aunt when they were present for her birth.

Clancy was maître D this morning and he had me do my entire shift as a singing cowboy. Fortunately I have a decent singing voice and so I managed to entertain my patrons with singing and my cowboy slang. Johano was working with me and Clancy had him do the entire shift as a 1930s Gangster. We had the customers rolling in the aisles when the two of us would bump into each other. We’d stay “in character” and challenge each other to a duel. I knew Clancy would be a great addition to the café and I’m glad that he hasn’t changed even though he was promoted.

Maurice is up at Windows checking on everything there. Although he is now the owner, he still serves as maître D for both locations. He told me that he’s been at it for so long he doesn’t think he knows how to give it up. I told him as long as he’s happy, just keep doing it! And he is definitely happy! He’ll be going on vacation after our big party this Saturday. Glenda will still be available to show Maurice the duties of owner and she’ll fill in when needed while Maurice goes on holiday. I saw the worry in her face regarding her daughter, Meghan. I hope she finds her soon.

When I told Zak and Hector that Patty and I officially adopted them he was overjoyed to have parents again. We went up to the Floor 68 Public Park yesterday on my day off. We enjoyed the day, our first, as official parents! Patty is still not feeling too well and we took it easy for her sake.

Speaking of Patty, now that she’s pregnant she will no longer serve as a guide but will be at the registers most of the time. She’s not happy about that as she loves to explore the entirety of the gift shop. Her boss, Jake, wants to make sure that there are no accidents concerning the child. She mentioned that she might also be allowed to serve as liaison for the gift shop and go around to businesses that don’t have souvenirs available to try and encourage them to do so. Since she handled the remodel of the café so professionally, Jake feels that she can do this job as well. And yes, it is a promotion for her!

The new elven server, Gainel Breeches, is doing a marvelous job of serving. He got some practice at Quenchers when he was serving a two week work furlough. Not sure what that is but Denbar assured us that he won’t give us any trouble. He and Gretchen have become fast friends, especially after she pulled the ice cube trick on him. Since then they have conspired in several practical jokes; mostly aimed at Clancy. Since he’s big in the filming industry, they’ve brought in a few people pretending to be making a movie and wanted him to direct. Long story short they recorded the whole incident and then played it back in the radio studio this morning. Clancy couldn’t believe his ears but then laughed as he was that easygoing. You couldn’t pull a stunt like that on Ol’ Whatshisname.

Speaking of the radio studio I’m finally going to get my chance to be a guest D.J. this coming Friday afternoon! I’ll be spinning some records and taking requests from noon until four, and then a match will be heard from five until eight. Maurice will send someone down from Windows to fill in for me while I’m up in the studio. A couple of times I’ve gone up there and watched Wally do it and know I should be able to handle it myself.

Maurice got in contact with Evander, the dwarf tavern owner. He’s the one who got us Vincent Singer for the Diadios celebration last year. Maurice is making arrangements, through Evander, to the Academy of the Seven Spires to send one Fourth Year Student per month to perform for a few shows at the café to help give them experience. I think that’s an excellent idea! It will help the students with their resumes or letters of introduction and give us some entertainment for the weekend.

“Mucky” Meyers had made his return this morning with his mule, Helene. He hadn’t been feeling too well of late which is why he hasn’t been around. I guess when you’re his age it’s harder to do even the simplest of tasks. No, he never told me his age but when you look at him you’d guess he was up there in years. I finally asked him about the atmosphere of Rellfax Minor and off he went on one of his stories. Clancy is thinking about recording him telling stories and then selling copies to keep our costs down for the café.


That will bring this entry to a close. Thanks for stopping by and giving it a read. Stop down in the Askinar Towers Gift Shop sometime and give my wife some encouragement. I have a feeling that this pregnancy of hers is going to be rough. Also stop by here in the café for a sandwich and something to drink. Remember, I’ll be on the air this Friday afternoon so they’re be plenty of music for dancing as long as you mind the puddles. My next post probably will be late Friday after my D.J. shift.


Happy to Serve,




Clancy33: Hey Chuck, can you yodel? I’ve got an idea for your next character!

SuperStud2000: Yodel? Let’s just stick to singing.

Johano1: Loved playing the gangster. Just remember I can’t sing, Clancy.

Clancy33: No problem! But do you know Shakespeare? Check it out in the library sometime.

Brenda10: I love Shakespeare! We have several of his books. Stop on up.

Gretch2112: Clancy, can I do a movie starlet? I’m good at over-the-top performances.

Johano1: Yes, she is good at that.

SuperStud2000: No argument from me!

Gains914: That ice cube trick was hilarious! Hey Clancy, Can I be a football coach doing a halftime pep talk.

Toby2150: I’m gainfully employed by a siege company. I’ll be in to eat soon, it’s been too long.


As promised, here’s the cover for book 2, A Café Mystery…

Cafe 2 Promo

I’ll be back on Monday to talk a little about this new book!

Happy Adventuring!


The Girls and the Key; The Café POV

Greetings from the Desert of Arizona! Only a few more days until book 2, A Café Mystery comes out (June 1, 2019). I’ve been sharing a variety of entries from book 1 to help you get ready for the second one. Bear in mind that book 2 is not made up entirely of Blog entries like book 1, there is a ongoing story with blog post inserted throughout. I wanted to do the story as a standard mystery and didn’t think doing it with all blog posts would work.

The following entry is a scene from book 2 of The Askinar Towers trilogy: Sibling Rivalry. It is told from Chuck’s view. Since I had my characters, Sara and Erika, visit the Floor 17 Café often in the trilogy, I felt it necessary to see them from the café viewpoint. Please Enjoy!Cafe Chapter Divider

The Girls and the Key

Happy Wednesday to all my friends and fans in The Askinar Towers. Yes, this entry is a little late but I have a good reason. It hasn’t been very busy in the Floor 17 Café. Manuel seems to be present more often than not and his anger continues to escalate. He hasn’t so much as yelled at customers but he has yelled at me and the other servers more frequently. Everyone, except Meghan and I believe that is because she is the boss’ daughter. But that’s not why I’m late with this entry. By the way, I am writing this from our realm on Floor 83 in the Tower of Earth. Patty is at work and I’ve just finished my shift in the café. Rather than stay down there and post my entry, I chose to come up here and avoid Manuel’s evil eye.

Things are settling down for the four of us over the last few days. Hector is actually teaching me how to speak French! As I have stated before, I can understand it but when I speak it I sound like a vulgar tourist mashing up the words in my mouth before spitting them out. Hector says that’s a perfect description of what I’m doing to his native language. No, I didn’t ask and neither should you.

Tuesday afternoon I got a surprise visit from Roland Haberdasher. He was by himself and was seated by Manolo at one of the tables near the Magic Bay Window (that’s what I’m calling it). He seemed very sad; like he just lost his best friend. As I served him some Dragonfire Wine I asked what was wrong. He told me that he and Tanith were no longer married. I asked if they got a divorce and he said, “Sorta.” He explained that recently there was turmoil in the realm of the gods and her presence was requested. Long story short, The Congregation of Wyvern restored her dragon powers and she was elevated to Goddess of all Dragonkind. Her daughter Candice, now 15 years old, has been made the new Queen of all Dragonkind. I offered my condolences and he said that it would take some time to adjust to the new living arrangements. I could tell he was very happily married with Tanith and that they shared a strong bond of love but, apparently the offer to become goddess was too great to refuse and she just left.

Now concerning the title of this entry, as you know the sisters, Sara and Erika, stop by the Floor 17 Café frequently in between their own adventures. Apparently they’ve been on quite a few and enjoy talking about them. They arrived off the elevator with their new friend Bill and I noticed that they were no longer teenagers. Maurice showed them to my table and here’s the conversation we had…

“Hi again, I see you’re not teens anymore,” I said.

“No, we’re finished with that,” said Sara the oldest.

“But we need to find a companion to join us on the next part of our quest,” added Erika, her sister.

“There are a lot of people that come and go in here,” I replied, “some of them always seem to be on an adventure of some sort.” Then I remember my place as server. “Can I take your order?”

“Just some lemonade,” said Erika.

“I’ll have the same,” said Sara.

“Nothing for me, thanks!” said Bill.

This guy Bill never seems to order anything but I have my suspicions that he might be one of those living dead people. Anyways they were talking about auditions and asked for poster board and markers. I called down to the gift shop and had some sent up for them. I put it on my card since they are regular customers of mine and the other patrons seem to enjoy their presence as well. None of regulars are in today but I’m not sure why.

While the girls were working on the posters, a mailbot trundled in and gave Sara a package. When she opened it, she discovered the key. I mentioned that they didn’t have it before and fought on the battlefield over it. Yes, they did. Ask the Stonefist twins if you don’t believe me. Anyways there was a note with it but I didn’t get the chance to find out what it said. The three of them quickly left carrying the posters and makers with them.

Before I close this entry, Glenda arrived just before my shift ended and announced that there would be a Maître D meeting this afternoon. Not sure what that’s all about, but I chose not to ask nor hang around and find out any details. I’m sure what will transpire will be shared with all of us. Then again, maybe not. I know Glenda to be a fair owner and I’m sure she’ll do the right thing. Here comes Zak and Hector, they want to play hide-and-seek with me. I love this!


Happy to be a new parent,




Manny911: The real reason the regulars don’t come in is that no one likes your blog, Chuck!

Johano1: Chuck, you seem to be a natural at this father stuff.

SuperStud2000: I know right? It seems easy now but I’m sure it will get tougher later.

Gretch2112: What’s Manuel damage anyway? We’re always working hard.

KarmaMan: Maybe he’s just not used to you young people anymore.

Nacklenab150: Oh Gretchen, my Gretchen! I’m so lonely without you.

Gretch2112: Finder! Not on here!

Superstud2000: LOL!

Johano: ROFL!!

Glenda667: Some changes are being made for the future of the café.

PLB01: (comment deleted from an outside source)

PLB02: (comment deleted from an outside source)

PLB03: (comment deleted from an outside source)


I hope you are enjoying these entries! I’ll share one more tomorrow and then A Café Mystery will be released Saturday!

Happy Adventuring!



The café is remodeled!

Happy Tuesday everyone! What your are seeing on here for the last few days is excerpts from book 1 of the Floor 17 Café series, Happy To Serve. I am gearing you up for the release of book 2, A Café Mystery, to be released on June 1st (2019). I hope you are enjoying these entries.

Today’s entry sees a remodeling of the café. This is a broader remodel compared to the renovations from Chuck’s destruction earlier in the book. This is a complete remodel of the place. The reason for this is that when I first conceived the Floor 17 Café, I designed it as a standard restaurant; plush carpets, tables with table cloths, and a general dining atmosphere. Since it’s called a café, I decided to revamp it into an actual café setting. This was to coincide of its appearance in The Askinar Towers trilogy. Please enjoy!

Cafe Chapter Divider

The Unveiling

Happy Tuesday everyone from the newly revamped Floor 17 Café. That’s right, our grand re-opening took place just this morning and we’re back and better than ever. First, let me bring you up to speed since my last post. I’m still having issues with the nightmares and I think Patty is right in regards to having them removed. I’ll make an appointment with Dr. Medulla later this week.

We went to the concert on Saturday and had a wonderful time. Banter and Chanter kicked off the show with a great performance. I’m going to ask Uncle Maurice if we can get them to perform at the café again. Their performance at the Diadios celebration was wonderful.

The next group was the Southern Silhouettes! I couldn’t believe my eyes! You know that I’m familiar with this joke of a group having brought them to the Floor 17 Café several months ago. The next performer was a girl named Charlotte Medea. Can’t say much about her because it was like she was on one minute then taking a bow, having finished the next. Weird!

There was a two hour break for food then the concert resumed with a giant of a man known as Schreevan, the One Man Adventuring Party. I say giant because he looked to be over seven feet tall. He was followed by two crazily dressed women known as The Hags of Winterstorm. I leaned over to Patty and said, “Look, it’s Manuel’s wife and her sister!” She burst out laughing but quickly covered her mouth to keep from disturbing the people around us.

Finally the concert concluded with East of the West and their performance was amazing. When they concluded, all of the performers came on stage to sing the “Six Kingdoms Peace Song”. Everyone, that is, except the Southern Silhouettes. Overall, it was a lot of fun.

Speaking of Uncle Maurice, he called me Sunday evening and asked if I would return to the café on Monday as everyone would be present for the unveiling of the new look of the café. Technically I was still on my honeymoon through Monday as Patty and I had already returned to our house that night. He understood but said that it would only be for an hour or so. Glenda wanted to give the staff a chance to see it first. I told him I would be there.

So yesterday I arrived at the café and brought Patty along since we were still on our honeymoon. Even though I really wanted to see the finish product, I wanted everyone to know that they were cutting into our alone time. Besides, Patty wanted to see it to and it would give her an excuse to contact the souvenir people to come up and take pictures for new postcards, T-shirts, posters, and snow globes for the gift shop.

As we arrived, most everyone was there including Glenda and the Stonefist Twins. The twins were arguing about who got to cut the ribbon for the ceremony but Glenda ended it by allowing Meghan to do the honors. I say most everyone as Gretchen hadn’t arrive yet. I wandered over to where Johano stood and he had this big grin on his face as he saw me. It wasn’t because of Patty and me but because of Gretchen. He told me that she and Finder spent the weekend together but wouldn’t say anymore.

The elevator doors opened and out walked Gretchen. She was alone but it looked like she had slept in her clothes. Both Johano and I were snickering as was Maurice. Patty quickly walked over to her and helped her adjust her outfit. Glenda launched into a story about the café’s origin and where we are now, just twelve years later. Meghan then cut the ribbon and everyone entered the café.

The carpet was replaced with large black and white tiles and gone were the tables, tablecloths, and chairs. They were replaced with wrought-iron chairs and tables that resembled what you would actually find in a café.

The one thing that mesmerized all of us is what they did to the wall opposite the Realm Doors. You recall I said that they were knocking out the wall when I was here waiting for my check. We found out why. They inserted a giant bay window; twenty feet high and fifteen feet wide. Beyond the window was a forest setting with a large waterfall that cascaded down to a pool at the bottom. There were woodland creatures in the area as well. I was told by Reb Stonefist that it’s an illusion. It’s based on a real realm in the Askinar Towers with one minor change. As we watched, the seasons turned. Reb explained that the seasons changed every fifteen minutes so that you got all four in the period of an hour. This was so the guests could have something to look at, and talk about, while dining.

One final surprise that Glenda had for us was a spiral staircase in the corner which led up to the next floor. I asked her about it and she smiled at me. She said, “That staircase is the entrance to the new radio studio. We’re going to have on air talent play music for the café.” She went on to say that it was because of me and the fact that I kept pointing out the lousy music that was piped in from wherever. Now we have access to our own music. She also stated that it’s her goal to turn the studio into an official radio station to broadcast to all four towers! Performers from our café will be heard everywhere. I’m so excited for this!

There you have it! The Floor 17 Café now looks like a real café. We are open for business once again though not a lot of people are here. Guess they were all waiting for this entry to be posted. It’s all right, come on in! Patty did call her boss and they are sending photographers here on Thursday to get pictures. Maurice announced that we were having a special performer here on Saturday by the name of Jacqueline the Magnificent. She’s a female magician who just signed on with Prof. Flynn’s Carnival Cavalcade and will be making her debut with them in two weeks. Glenda got Flynn’s permission to have her come here and perform for our grand re-opening weekend. Should be fun for everyone!

This brings my entry to a close. If you haven’t noticed the Follower Counter on this blog, we just reached 5,000 followers! Once again my thanks to everyone who reads this blog. We’ve come a long way and we’ll just keep right on charging ahead. As I stated before, don’t feel like you have to make a comment on any of this entries. To know that you are reading them and visiting the café is more than enough for me. Again, please share this blog with your friends, family, loved ones, and any other creatures that have digits. Oops my shift’s about to start and I’m working with Gretchen. Wonder if she’ll tell me about her date. Probably not.

Back in Service,



Gretch2112: A lady never tells of her relationships to complete strangers.

Johano1: We’re not strangers, we’re your family!

SuperStud2000: I wonder if I’ll get a chance to D.J. in the radio studio.

Dashing86: Serving music in addition to food? Nice!

Manny911: How much did this little remodel set us back?

KittyKat98: Chuck, it’s time you and I sat down and had a long talk.

Patty88: Look lady, I don’t know who you are but you need to leave us alone.

KittyKat98: Tough words from a cashier.

Candy99: Kitty wants to become a dragon treat?

Queen99: That’s my girl!


Thanks for reading! Please feel free to make comments available below!

Until next time,

Happy Adventuring!



Chuck Gets Engaged!

Happy Monday everyone! I’m bringing you another excerpt from book 1 of the Floor 17 Café series. This is to get you all excited for the arrival of book 2: A Café Mystery, this Saturday on June 1st!

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The idea behind this entry was the fact that since Chuck and Patty had been dating for quite a while; and the fact she has remained by his side through all of his memory problems, the next logical step was to have them tie the knot! You will notice that all of the entries up through D for a Day were pretty random and then I started an actual storyline. The main reason for this is when I first started the blog idea, I was really just posting them one entry at a time; I hadn’t even written anything down like ideas. I wrote whatever came to me. 

When I started to put everything together for a potential book, that’s when I decided to lean more towards a continuous storyline; all the while bringing in new characters as customers. Please enjoy this entry and I’ll see you again on Tuesday!

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Hello and greetings from the Floor 17 Café. It’s me Chuck and, yes, I know it’s only Tuesday but as I stated, don’t be surprised if I throw in an occasional entry other than Friday. And there is a reason for this; a wonderful reason! As title suggests, someone here at the café is going to get married. And that someone is ME! That’s right Patty and I have been only been together for a few months but after all we’ve been through; since I was hijacked by those space pirates, we decided to tie the knot.

Okay, now let me tell you how it really happened. After Patty and I returned from Rellfax Minor, we informed Uncle Maurice on Saturday that my memories have all been found and it was revealed what had actually happened. I still have no idea who some of those people were, but my memory problems were over. Maurice was so elated he announced that next week he would hold a party for me to celebrate my return to normalness. Well, as normal as one can be working in a café like this. I told him I wanted to take today off and then I would return to work from Sunday through Friday. He agreed then added that we would get together and work out my regular schedule after that.

Meghan, Glenda’s daughter, has been on hand through this whole ordeal to fill in while I was off with my memory problems. She has been getting better as a waitress and has even become the regular server of the Power Lunch Bunch. Gretchen, by the way, is no longer with them. More on that in just a little bit.

As Patty and I left to return to her realm she became sad and wouldn’t say much on the elevator ride up. I inquired her sadness and she said that I would probably return to my room since my problems were fixed. She said since I was staying with her the entire time for the last month or so, she felt comforted and protected; having a man around.

I asked her if she wanted me to move in with her and her face lit up with approval. So I replied, “In that case, how about you become my wife?” She cried real tears of joy but then commented we were too young. I told her to think of the engagement as going steady. She didn’t know what that meant so I said, “…if we wear engagement rings, it tells other people we are spoken for. And then we didn’t have to rush into marriage.”

She agreed and we went ring shopping Sunday morning. When I came to work that afternoon, I told Maurice about it and he then changed my party to an engagement party! He knows that I have a good thing going in regards to Patty and told me not to lose her to anyone or anything. Yeah, “anything”! Great, now this is going to bother me for a couple of days.

My first day back saw two of my favorite customers; The Bowermans (Swanky and Posh) enter the café. They welcomed me back and said that they were very concerned for my well-being. They mentioned that they were avid readers of my blog and were very concerned when I hadn’t made a post in three months. They tried to stop by during that time but were unable to get away from family obligations. I said that’s a lot to last three months and they replied that they had 3 children, 8 grandchildren, and 14 great-grandchildren! With birthdays, anniversaries, and a family reunion it was a lot of time spent with family. They showed me pictures while I took their order. Such a nice couple!

Before I close this post, I had mentioned that Gretchen is no longer a part of the Power Lunch Bunch. She wasn’t fired, she was dismissed. (Usually when someone is fired by these guys, they make it so you can’t get a job anywhere.) The reason given was that she lacked professionalism. Apparently when she called me, “Loverboy” and slipped me some money that played an integral part in her being let go. It was also explained that the reason she wasn’t fired is because they’d rather have her return to her station as a waitress at the Floor 17 Café. I don’t know if Gretchen will return as she seemed unhappy about life as a server. As for me, I’m now happier than I have been in these last few months.

I’ve just noticed that I’ve surpassed 2000 followers on this blog. Once again, thank you for all of your support. I know that a lot of you don’t make comments on my blog and that’s fine, I don’t take offense to that at all. It’s not for everyone to comment here. But at the very least you can stop by and visit me in person and have something to eat. I mean, the food is free what do you have to lose?

Happy to Serve,




Maury2005: Congratulations you 2, I’m sure you’ll be very happy together.

Johano1: I’m so happy for the both of you.

Gretch2112: I’m out of a job again. Oh, congrats you two.

Dashing 86: Don’t do it, it’s a trap. You’ll regret it!

Queen99: Excuse me? Are you saying that marriage is a trap?

Dashing 86: Not ours sweetheart! But possibly there’s. Heh heh.

Nacklenab150: Am I to continue as a server here?

Brenda10: Oh how exciting! I have many books on wedding traditions from all cultures. Feel free to browse.

Glenda667: Congratulations you two, I’m sure you’ll share many years together.

Patty88: Thanks everyone! George was devastated by the news. He thought he still had a chance.

KittyKat98: Let’s get together at Better with Bacon, Chuck. I’m buying!

SuperStud2000: Thanks, but I’m engaged. You had your chance.

KittyKat98: Engaged, yes. But not married. C’mon, give me another chance.

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That’s all for today, thanks for stopping by! Please comment below on what you like about this entry and other comments you might have.

Happy Adventuring!




Chuck destroys the Floor 17 Cafe

Happy Friday to everyone! I’m posting another excerpt from Happy to Serve: Book 1 of the Floor 17 Café series.

The origin behind this book comes from a series of actual blog posts I designed on an actual blog several years ago. If you’ve read my Askinar Towers trilogy, you know that the Floor 17 Café was featured quite often in all three books. After I finished that trilogy I was working on some other projects when the idea of making Chuck, the server, a main character in his own story. I decided to have him post blog entries and talk about his life as a server and the customers that frequent the café.

After several months, I abandoned the project because I ran out of ideas. Then a few years ago I went back and reread those posts. I realized I had quite a few and so I added another 20 or so and decided to publish it as a book. This, in turn, inspired me to write a second book; not all blog posts, but narrative as well.

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Hey everyone, this is Chuck and today I’m writing to you from my room on Floor 50 of the Tower of Water. The reason I am writing from here is that I’ve been banned from the Floor 17 Café while they undergo renovations from the destruction caused by the white stag. Yes, the stag which I momentarily spoke about last week when I was on my date with Sarinna. Uncle Maurice was so livid that he couldn’t utter a syllable let along an entire word. His comment at the end of my entry wasn’t much help either.

Today I just learned that I would be working for Roland Haberdasher at The Chopping Block in Cordra. Working there for an entire month! My spirits were slightly raised since he is Tanith’s husband and I would most likely see her but then someone told me that she doesn’t work there but at Quenchers in Manzana Gran, which is about 6 hours away. They also have me staying with a dwarf named Evander who is co-owner of The Block as they nicknamed it. In my place at the café, Roland is sending another dwarf by the name of Finder Nacklenab. So it looks like Roland will be getting his waiter exchange after all. No one has said anything to me since the incident nor have they come up to visit me. Not even Johano wants to be seen with me, which really hurts.

Speaking of Johano, I did learn that his entertainment took place even with the destruction. The traveling medicine show proved to be a great hit and the antics of Dr. Holloway and his assistant, Hoagie, were a delight to the audience. It seemed that a lot of people showed up and even got to participate in his demonstrations and, overall, it was a huge success! I would have loved to have seen it.

The damage I’m told was a fair amount including; tables, chairs and the Maître D stand used by Maurice and Manuel. Sarinna did come up to my room to see how I was doing. She’s the one who informed me of the damage. When she had returned to the café, she easily managed to return the stag to the Pouch of Forest Friends and apologized to Maurice and the staff and even offered to pay for damages. Her offer was turned down and even my payment ban was lifted because of the mess. Maurice simply didn’t want me anywhere in the café for a month while things got repaired. He figured that a month at The Chopping Block would straighten me out instead.

There you have it folks. I really messed up big time and it may take a while to earn Maurice’s respect again. A long while. I am to remain here in my room until Evander comes and collect me. Hopefully I get to post a few observations from The Block in the meantime. And just because I’m gone for a while, don’t be discouraged or refrain from visiting the café. It’s a little worse for wear mind you but it is still opened and the food is free.




Johano1: Hey, I’ve got a rep to maintain around here. You made the mess, SuperDud, not me…sorry.

Devan07: This date thing of yours is creating problems within our group.

Queen99: Down boy!

Dashing86: This will be a good experience for you Chuck. And as far as damage in my tavern? No one will notice.

Nacklenab150: I shall do my best to serve as your fill-in Chuck. I look forward to the calmness of the café.

KarmaMan: If things go well at the Block, I may bring you over to Quenchers for a few days.

Rick01: Don’t worry buddy! We’ll take your overflow of customers.

Rick02: Mention the “Floor 17 Café” and get a free dessert with your meal!

KittyKat98: So sorry about your date, Chuck. Why don’t I make you feel better by meeting you sometime at that public park on floor 68? Just name the day and time and I’ll be there.

SuperStud2000: That sounds great, Kitty. How about this Sunday afternoon about 3pm.

Book 2 of the Floor 17 Café series is set to publish on June 1st, 2019. In the meantime, have a great weekend and I’ll see you again on Monday!


Happy Adventuring!


Another excerpt from Floor 17 Cafe

Greetings! Yes, I know I usually only post on Mondays but I’m making an exception for the next two weeks as I am preparing myself and you for the release of Book 2 of the Floor 17 Café series. I am posting excerpts from the first book to give you an idea of the characters to be featured in book 2. I’ll give you some background on the idea for this series when I return on Friday. In the meantime, please enjoy this entry…

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Busniess Men

Power Lunch Bunch

Hello, Chuck here!

It’s been a week now since I’ve been hired on as a waiter here at the Floor 17 Café. I’m still getting used to the different, uh, life forms that come in to eat but I am adjusting quicker than some of the others. At least that’s what Johano said. He and Gretchen are two of the other servers that I’ve become good friends with in this last week. I told you about them in my last entry.

Before I tell you about my new customers, let me describe the café itself. When you come in off the elevator here in the Tower of Water, you cross a small foyer and enter what you would normally think of as a restaurant. That’s right it doesn’t really look like a café at all. The tables are all covered in a rich fabric, and the carpet is an ocean blue. I guess that’s to remind us that were in the Tower of Water. No need for reminding us as the entire atmosphere is damp.

Anyways Gretchen took ill over the weekend and so I offered to take her tables in addition to my own. Since Destiny’s Six has been on an extended adventure I only have a couple other tables to tend to. One of her regular customers are the businessmen that she dubbed as the Power Lunch Bunch. It didn’t take much to persuade Maurice to take her tables. He knows that the businessmen are important clients and that they tip very well. So yesterday I served them for the first time!

All three of them entered off of the elevator and, walking single file, make a beeline straight to their table. It’s considered their table, as no one else would dare sit there. It happened only one time and the businessmen had them promptly fired! That’s right, FIRED! Don’t know how it happened but after a couple of phone calls were made, the person seated at their table soon learned he was unemployed. Of course, that’s another good reason to consider them as important clients of the café; when you’re fired by these guys you’ll never hold down another job ever. It’s like on your permanent record or something.

I did my utmost to keep the three of them happy; keeping their service prompt and courteous. Once their meal was over all they said to me was, “You’re no Gretchen, but you’ll suffice.” Then they walked off. I didn’t know whether to be insulted or relieved. Johano suggested that I feel the latter as six members of the staff were fired since they started coming here. Something about Gretchen though had pacified them and no one has been fired since she began as a waitress. I guess whatever I did to make them happy, they’ll consider me as an alternative should she be absent again.

Maurice was very happy for this as well and gave me a 50-credit bonus as thanks and to encourage me to give them the same good service each time. He also assured me that this had nothing to do with being family so he presented it to me in front of the other staff. Everyone else was proud of me, everyone that is except for Manuel. Nothing seems to be good enough for him.

While I was wandering around on my day off I stumbled across this public park on Floor 68. I know for a fact that it was floor 68; not just because that’s what the elevator said, but the name of the park is The Floor 68 Public Park. I learned that they stole their name idea from the café. Personally I think we should find a way for them to give us royalties for using the idea but I don’t think you can trademark and idea. Maybe I could mention it to the businessmen.

This afternoon I was expecting the Power Lunch Bunch to arrive when Gretchen appeared in the kitchen to say she had returned to work. I assumed that she was going to take care of the businessmen but then she informed me that they had arrived and specifically asked for me. I looked at her in case she might be angry by it but she showed indifference.

As I walked out I was greeted to a scene of a Minotaur, an Elf and a Halfling all in business attire and talking away on bananas pretending they were phones. I laughed so hard but at the same tine was afraid. Laughing, of course, because Manitoba and the guys looked utterly ridiculous and; afraid that if the businessmen showed up they would do something to them. As it was, the rest of the adventuring party was at their normal table laughing as well.

Then they walked in. Silence filled the air except for Manitoba and the guys still chatting away on their bananas. The businessmen looked very cross and demanded their table. Manitoba rose to his impressive 7-foot stature and said, “No.” Before he even got to the ‘o’ part, all three were on their phones. The Minotaur simply laughed and asked whom they were going to call.

“You’re boss,” said one.

“We’re unemployed,” Manitoba replied.

“Your leader then,” said a second.

“That would be me,” he added with a chuckled.

Lochan and Devan also stood hoping for a fight. The three businessmen simply sat down at a different table. I looked over at Gretchen, who was viewing this all from the kitchen, and motioned her to take care of them.

Fortunately the businessmen had a good lunch and tipped well but gave a glare to the entire adventuring party before they left. The group celebrated with an extra pitcher of ale as if they conquered an evil foe. But there are times when I wonder who the real foe was in that scenario.

Happy to Serve,




PLB01: Chuck, you lack professionalism but that will come in time.

PLB02: If you respect us, we’ll respect you. You won’t have to worry about being fired.

PLB03: Never let ANYBODY sit at our table again.

SuperStud2000: Thanks guys! You’ll always have your table.

Johano1: Dude that must have been hilarious! Wish I was there to see it.


The idea for the comments section was last-minute inspiration. I figured if these are to supposed to appears as blog entries, naturally comments would be made. It turned out to be a really great idea as I introduced a character who only appeared in the comments section. That character plays the antagonist in book 2.

Chuck 1 New

If you’d like to purchase book 1: Happy to Serve, check these options here!

Until Friday, Happy Adventuring!!


Excerpts from Floor 17 Café: Book 1

With book 2 just on the horizon of being published (June 1, 2019), I thought I’d revisit some blog entries from book 1 to give you an insight of what’s to come in the second one.

Chuck 1

The following entry is Chuck’s first Blog post…

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Chuck’s First Customers

Hi I’m Chuck! I just got hired on as a waiter here at the Floor 17 Café. My uncle, Maurice, is the head maître D and I’m his favorite nephew. Ok, his only nephew. We have a good relationship as family and a fairly decent one at work but he makes sure he doesn’t show favoritism towards me which is why he’s always yelling at me in French. I can understand French perfectly but can’t speak it very well. I sound like a vulgar tourist from another country.

I’m also starting this blog to share my experiences and observations of life here in the café. Uncle Maurice said it was okay, especially when I mention that it would be free advertising for the café. He said do it before or after my shift but never in the middle of it.

Anyway to prove he doesn’t show favoritism towards me, my first customers were this rowdy group of adventurers called Destiny’s Six. They seemed to be in here more often than not but that’s primarily because of the time change in the different realms. We’re located here in on Floor 17 of the Tower of Water and this group comes and goes mostly by the elevator out in the hallway. I was told the last time they left they were gone for an hour, according to the café clock, but for them it was two weeks!

This group consists of a Minotaur, a Giant, two Halflings, and two Elves. Only one female in the group, the elf named Sarinna and she’s the ranger. She gave me this look like she could see into my soul. I’ve heard this about Elves though maybe it was just my imagination. But as you might tell, I look forward to her…sorry I meant the group’s arrival again.

I also learned that their order is always the same which is another reason Uncle Maurice gave them to me as my first customers. The Minotaur orders a whole chicken, grilled and served with garlic; the two Halflings share a large basket of chili cheese fries and each has a double thick chocolate shake; the male Elf, Lochan orders the Tower Deluxe hamburger and then apologizes to Manitoba (that’s the Minotaur) after every bite. If you didn’t already know, Minotaurs look a little bit like a cow and so Lochan pretends he’s eating one of Manitoba’s own kind. This is the kind of humor that goes on within the group.

My girlfriend Sarinna eats a sensible salad; plenty of vegetables and nuts on it, but she covers it in chocolate syrup for some reason. I was going to ask but Maurice told me not to; if I cared to continue breathing. Not sure if he would make good on that threat of if she would. I chose not to pursue it. Finally Baruch, the Giant, orders a super deluxe pizza and two orders of hot wings. He washes it down with tea and never ale. Speaking of ale, the whole group orders between 3 to 6 pitchers of ale with their meal. The number of pitchers depends on the success of their current adventure.

Since they all order the same item each time, I was instructed to keep a premade order sheet on hand in one of my apron pockets but I am to take their order every time they come in. I was told by a fellow waiter that once in a great while they will change their order to see if the waiter is paying attention or just drawing conclusions from previous visits. Although all of the food here is free, and they don’t have to worry about paying, they do tip. The size of the tip depends on whether the order was taken correctly and the timeliness of the waiter and service.

That’s pretty much all in regards to my first customers. I took their order as given, keep their bread baskets full, (the Halflings and Elves love the bread), and made sure pitchers of ale were restocked when needed. At the end of the day (they came in three times) I earned one hundred gold pieces which transfers into 500 credits on my Tower Card. It’s a personal credit card and that’s how we pay for things on different floors of the Tower of Water. I also get an employee discount in the gift shop on Floor 5 but more on that later. After their last departure, Sarinna ran over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. It’s great to be alive! After they left, Uncle Maurice gave me a twenty minute lecture on fraternizing with the patrons of the café, and yes, it was all in French!


Happy to serve,



Maury2005: Great job on your first post, now get back to work!!

Johano1: My man Chuck! This blog will make you a Super Stud!

Devan07: Thanks for serving us, Chuck. You make a great waiter.

I hope you enjoyed this entry. If you’re interested in buying book 1 please follow this link here.

Until next time,

Happy Adventuring!
